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Friday, July 3, 2015

Chicago|| FBLA + much more

Hi guys so after a week away from the blog/ instagram I have returned! So where was I? Obviously Chicago...but why was I there?? FBLA- Future Business Leaders of America. At my high school some students started a chapter of FBLA and I decided to join and I am so happy that I did. Ever since like 8th grade I have always had an interest in business more specifically communication and public relation/ marketing and that is what I do plan on studying in the future. Anyway so FBLA is a club that you can join at your school and if your school doesn't have a chapter you can create one! I have learned so much in the past 6 months because of it and it really has shown me that there is real world experience given to you through the club. So what you do is you choose a topic to present to judges on, me and my partner chose the Business Presentation category. For that topic we had to come up with a 7 minute presentation about identity theft and how to better protect yourself. So then with your presentation you take that to your state conference where me and my partner got 1st which then qualified us to move on to nationals in Chicago this year! We were very excited and we both were extremely grateful to be given the opportunity! There were close to 11,000 kids from around the country all there for the same reason and so it really gave you the opportunity to meet and network with lots of new people! The fun part is that you also have to dress in professional attire for the entire duration of your conference which isn't others favorite part but it is certainly one of my favorite parts of FBLA. Along with attending workshops and our competitive event we got to shop, dine and sightsee in Chicago!! Each day we would attend our meetings, workshops and what not until around 4:00 and then we would go out and explore! We went to lots of yummy places to eat, one of my favorite would have been Local Root- almost everything there was from around here and organic but still incredibly yummy! Of course we also ate Chicago style pizza and the other staples. We ate a lot but no need to fear we also walked the majority of everywhere we went. Chicago really keeps you in shape from all the walking you are doing because taxi's are a pain to wave down and a real steal from your wallet. We also shopped a lot during the trip...of course.  Our hotel was located right on the main street for shopping: The Magnificent Mile and boy it was magnificent. Everything from Jcrew to Ghiraldelli and soooo many more. They also had a Patagonia store which I happened to buy a little something from. I think I am going to try and either make a post about everything I got in the city or a video. But anyway yes. Chicago was amazing and I am so in love with that city and as of right now I would love to live there after I graduate school

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