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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Weekly Review!

Howdy ya'll!
Long time no talk! Lots of stuff has been going on here in my life so it has been awhile since I have last posted. If you haven't already noticed the blog is looking oh so pretty and I couldn't be more excited! I couldn't do it without my lovely new friend Sarah from WittyYoungThing! You should all check out her blog for me!! Anyways so I did this post a few weeks ago for the first time and I just really liked the structure of it and I got good feedback from you guys, so I will be continuing this weekly post! So once again life took me for quite a spin this past week after recovering from my schools prom which I ended up getting asked to less than a week before the dance itself so you could say stressful! I am only a sophomore so I went with a junior to prom and it was so much fun! My dress was a dark purple color and it was long and I was just so obsessed with it. I had so so much fun and I am so looking forward to my junior and senior prom these next two years. The music was great and the pictures ended up looking amazing so I will attach some pictures from that amazing night!

Along with prom, I have been working on wrapping up my sophomore year of high school and boy is that crazy to think about. Time truly flies and everyone needs to make sure that they are taking advantage of everything whether you're a senior or freshman, just enjoy the moments because I guarantee you that you will miss it. So with finishing up school always means lots of tests and exams and papers and you know all the stuff that pretty much makes you hate school...."just push through it" I keep telling myself, "You're almost there" I am so excited for summer which I am sure just about everyone else could agree with me on that statement. I also got hired to work at a pool nearby this summer as a lifeguard which mean PAYCHECKS WHICH MEANS SHOPPING WHICH MEANS HAPPY HAPPY KAIT! Along with getting a job I also got my license which is super crazy that I can just go to the grocery store or Target whenever I want....which doesn't help my bank account whatsoever but, I mean I totally needed another pack of Sharpie pens....Anyway, so since I am 16 and I don't have a job at the moment the whole showing you what I bought portion of this weekly update will unfortunately will be retired until I actually have money to spend on exciting things. I really haven't been doing anything very exciting this week so this post is probably slightly boring and lengthy but I want to get back into a habit of posting at least once a week! In addition to my school day I also decided to take on a new type of project. Relay for Life! Holy cow, I have never felt so happy about being able to give back to my community. I can honestly say that it is one of the best expirences I have ever had. Being able to give back is just the greatest feeling and knowing that the hard work I am putting in is helping so many people. I think I will be doing a whole post after the event about what it is and you can get involved and show lots of pictures of the event itself. Super excited to see what the rest of my sophomore year has in store for me! You guys make me so happy and I am so happy that so many of you come back week to week just to read about my life and I couldn't be more grateful. My final little blurb in this post will be that ADashOfKait turns a year old on May 10th and I just can't contain my excitement for everything I have in store for you all! Including two upcoming giveaways!! I wouldn't be here without yalls support and I cant thank you enough! This is been such an exciting year and I can't wait to see what blogging and youtubing holds for my future!!

so much love!!


Friday, April 10, 2015


Hey ya'll happy Friday! I usually would be posting my week in review but I will be spending the majority of this next week or so working on giving A Dash of Kait a facelift! I am really starting to get more into blogging and I am trying to brand it well and so I am going to be changing the setup soon so just expect change and remember change is good!

Love you all,
